Shifting Perspective

“Shifting Perspective”

August 2, 2022

And we know that for those who love God, He works all things together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.

Romans 8:28 (ESV)

I have always loved the Bird of Paradise flower. These particular flowers marked the spot on our walk where Remi and I would turn around to go home. I could see why they called these flowers “birds”; I imagined the long beak pointing towards the sky and thought of the orange and yellow tufts to be feathers on its head. But one day, our daughter suggested another perspective.

What if you imagined the long beak heading downwards towards a flower like a hummingbird, and the orange and yellow tufts were its wings fluttering at a rapid speed? Can you see the hummingbird, too? It’s amazing how shifting our perspective changes the way we look at things. That shift of perspective helps us in life as well.

When we have challenging situations to face, knowing Christ will see us through whatever we are dealing with shifts our perspective from one of despair to hope. He brings us strength and peace and courage where weakness, doubt, and worry take hold. It helps to shift our perspective as we learn that Christ reweaves the difficulties we face for good.

The photo on the right shows a beautiful sunrise Remi and I enjoyed together one summer morning. The colors in the sky looked like the Bird of Paradise to me, and the orange and yellow “tufts” reflected in the blue of the pool reminded me that Paradise is near; God is near and knowing that helps me shift my perspective to one of hope, encouragement, and confidence as I begin each day.

I invite you to be ready to shift your perspective today. It’s amazing how the way you view the world may change.


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“Faith Beds”